We went to Santa Fe on Saturday, and it was, as always, a haven for entertaining car decorations. So I thought I'd share.
One car said, "No Place Like OM," which I'd never seen before and thought rather clever. It also had "Free Tibet" and "Give Peace a Chance," but those aren't new and clever. :-)
Another had an ichthus kissing a Darwin fish. That, if you ask me, is very clear and utterly wrongheaded and inconsistent. Either everything is a result of meaningless chance or it is not; there's no middle ground. But I applaud their creativity. Meaningful use of sign systems, don't you know.
Not related to bumper stickers, as we were coming out of Target two small children ran in front of my dad and tripped. A deep voice came from somewhere: "ARE YOU HURTING MY KID?" Emily, as she tells the story, was immediately sure Dad was going to get mugged and freaked out. But Dad knew the guy from the office and just laughed. So we all met them and did not get mugged in front of Target. :-)
I'm so glad you didn't get mugged. That would've been horrendiccerous. :-D May blessings fall upon you this Christmas, oh esteemed co-directoress, and may you rejoice muchly in your (was it 18?) Christmas trees. Which is more than we have. By about 18. My mum when we got home: "We don't need a Christmas tree. Waste of money. Why spend money on something you're just going to throw away?" Sigh. :-D