Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A leaf by Niggle

Look, everyone. Isn't it pretty?

The acorn's brown roundness and the leaf's brown glossiness are the same, and the acorn's paler roughness and the leaf's blemish are the same paler brownness. I never knew that. They came from the same tree, last fall, and have been sitting on the ground since then until I came along and put them in the water.

The leaf wasn't a very good boat; the water encroached. But it floated well enough in the still shallows.

As he strung the acorn cups on the grass stem, he whistled softly to himself,

Lavendar's blue,
Rosemary's green
When I am King
You shall be Queen.

"There!" he said, finishing the necklace and dropping it into the Ordinary Princess's lap. "Be careful of it or it will break."

"It's simply lovely," said the Ordinary Princess, "and I shall keep it for ever and ever!"

The Ordinary Princess, by M. M. Kaye


  1. How lovely. Isn't there something perfect, calming, soothing, about the similar coloring of the leaf and the acorn? It's perfect and orderly. God is amazing!

  2. It is lovely....I miss Ordinary Princesses.

  3. Goodness me, I said "perfect" twice in one short comment. What was I thinking?

  4. Perhaps it was the perfect word. :-)

  5. Ouch. A misuse of perfectly good humor.

  6. Only it was the using that made it humor. A misuse would have been...imperfect.
