Wednesday, May 03, 2006


"I may be reading black lesbian critics, but there are goslings. That makes things tolerable." Jennifer

So we named the seven goslings (only six visible here) after the seven virtues at the top of Dante's Purgatory: the three theological virtues are Faith, Hope, and Charity, and the four cardinal virtues are Justice, Temperance, Fortitude, and Prudence. Just for the fun of it, we named the parental geese Dante and Beatrice.

In other news, Dr. Hake was swimming in and measuring Lake Bob this afternoon. His motives are, as always, as mysterious as the deeps of the Bob, and almost certainly more worth fathoming. I predict something highly entertaining is in the works. Stay tuned.


  1. Dr. Hake was... swimming... in Lake Bob?

  2. Very much so. I have witnesses and photographic evidence.

  3. Please, please, can you send me some of the, um, evidence? I would very much like to see that photo!
