Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Quick update

Quick updates from my quadrant of the universe:

--I went to my grandparents' house for the weekend. We had a good time, I think; we watched a lot of episodes of Remington Steele and Hogan's Heroes, and it rained all day Sunday, and we kept going to Clovis.

--The Bible bookstore in Clovis has many good features, including a good CD collection and a coffee shop, but its book section made me grumpy. The fiction made me grumpy because it was mostly romances and fantasy serieses involving dragons (I love dragons, but there were far too many of them. Whatever happened to "solitary creatures"? These dragons were practically a hive mind). The "theology" shelf made me grumpy because it was very short and the only book on it I wanted to read cost too much.

--I shot my dentist today good and proper, right in the heart with a rubber band. It wasn't as cool a shot as he made at me last week, though. He was sitting at his desk in his office, and got me clear over at the front desk. I think I was on the phone.

--It did not rain today over my lunch break. It's far enough into the season, too, that the shadows fall differently than they did in June, and now I get a sunbeam at the picnic table. So day I over lunch I sunbeamed, read T.S. Eliot, and wrote doggerel. O that I were a poet....

--I climbed a cottonwood yesterday and today my back muscles complained with a most satisfying soreness. I feel like I accomplished something.

--Bible study dinner was pretty entertaining. We told zipline stories, lake stories, boat stories, cousin stories, uncle stories, restaurant stories, and physicist stories. For instance, I learned that it took eleven theoretical physicists, an assistant, and a girlfriend to divide the check at a restaurant. The girlfriend, I think, mostly sat back and laughed. In response, I told how many church staff members it takes to change a light bulb. Four: two pastors and two secretaries, at least when the bulb is high up in a fixture in a very dark ladies' bathroom. :-)

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