Friday, December 15, 2006

Certus sum

Certus sum enim
quia neque mors
neque vita
neque angeli
neque principatus
neque instantia
neque futura
neque fortitudines
neque altitudo
neque profundum
neque creatura alia
poterit nos separare a caritate Dei quae est in Christo Iesu Domino nostro.

Romans 8:38-39, Vulgate


  1. Amen ...

    I need to spend some time with my Vulgate this break :).

    Amo te, soror in Christo.

  2. Et tu!

    Yes...and feel free to share the good bits. Books, like movies, are better with company.

    (Tangent: that's one nice thing about movie theaters: there may be sixteen screens showing at once, but at least no matter what you're watching, you're pretty sure to get to watch it with someone else.)

  3. Amen, Christ is Lord.

    ~Lady Ancilla
