Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Back to work (and liking it)

The dentist's office is back in full swing, and here I am in the midst of it: plants in the window, confirming appointments, fights with insurance, classical music, many languages, and all.

Some people have an underdeveloped sense of houseplant. I've got a lily and a small palm, and this woman came in and made jokes about growing our own pot. I sort of looked at her, bemused.

I would just like to reaffirm my position, that if you or your mother tell me you'll be at an appointment (which you made in the first place), I'm going to believe you, and it's rather discourteous to stand us up.

Insurance...ah, the American insurance companies. I've been going back and forth with one of them over a particular claim for a couple months now. They're currently trying to tell me they can't pay because an ID number is missing. This is errant nonsense because they know perfectly well who we're talking about; after all, we've been talking about this patient for a couple months. But it's all part of the dance of wits. "And now, it has come down to you, and it has come down to me." They think if they send it back enough times, I'll give up. But now they've gotten me stubborn. Little do they know what they've gotten themselves into.

And our newest addition to the office, a dental student, is fluent in Hindi.

I'm liking my job.


  1. Sounds like much fun :).

    What kind/color is your lily? Lilies are my favorite flowers :).

    Your talking about insurance companies sounds like my mom ... she's been stubbornly working with them, representing all 10 of us, for years...

  2. Thacia--

    What a good, saintly mother you've got! I admire her more for that than I would have a year ago.

    My lily formerly had yellow flowers, but they've all wilted and now it's just the stalks-three of them in one pot. They went kind of yellowy over Christmas break; they missed their windowsill. I'm hoping it'll green up over the weekend.

  3. office personalities are so so fun. i am disappointed because yesterday i found out that we are looking for someone to fill our receptionist's spot. currently, we have this amazing little 80 year old named Dottie, who has a deep croaky voice and is always feeding me chocolate truffles. i can't imagine anyone being as good as her...

    but then again, i might be leaving that office soon myself... we'll see.

  4. Aww... how nice of her! I'm sorry she's leaving, too.

    What office do you work in?
