Monday, April 16, 2007


Worldmagblog connected courtesy and Bertie Wooster and a certain modern tendency not to be Bertie Woosterish. Today's Breakpoint discussed politics and anger. This fits in rather well with our sermon from yesterday, which was on loving your neighbor.

Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks. Courtesy doesn't prove you're in a right relationship with God (after all, one of the most popular books in the Renaissance was The Courtier, and I don't think anyone will argue they were all true believers thenabouts!), but always being mad and/or rude is a pretty good demonstration that you aren't.

Besides that...if you're kind, people would just rather be around you. Proof: we keep reading Bertie Wooster.

::edit:: Speaking of courtesy, a patient just turned off his cell phone as he went back into the opertory. I think he's the first one we've ever had who did that. Isn't that nice?


  1. Thank you for the link! Not to be too picky, but we're actually The Point. Worldmagblog is great, but it isn't us. :-)

  2. ! I'm --thank you for correcting! Credit should certainly go where credit is due. :-)
