Sunday, October 14, 2007

Update on the mice

Queen Anne is a good name; one always remembers to use the feminine pronoun when referring to her. Poor Bing, however, had to put up with a fair number of him-er-her's. I think Bing Crosby was dancing through the backs of our minds, leaving his pronouns like footprints.

So we changed it. She, the mouse, is now Lady Jane Bing, in a nod to Pride and Prejudice and a sort of vague glimpse of a thought toward Henry VIII. It seems to work, though; both Anne and Bing generally get their proper pronouns now.

And they are getting less fearful. They won't actually ask me to pick them up, but Bing cuddled quite contentedly this evening.

Now, if they would just refrain from running on the wheel all night...

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