Saturday, November 03, 2007

God, who sustains life

My little Queen Anne passed away today. The fumes from her newly-cleaned cage did her in. I cried most of the afternoon.
So when I went to prepare Sunday school for tomorrow, the text proved especially appropriate. It's about God sustaining life, and the text is Paul's sermon on Mars Hill, from Acts 17.
He speaks of the "God who made the world and all things in it," who "is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist." Therefore we should repent and turn back to Him. And how did He demonstrate this massive assertion? He's "furnished proof to all men by raising Him [the Man Jesus] from the dead."
The proof that God sustains all life, my little mousie included, is the resurrection of Jesus. It's certain, even when there one fewer mouse in the house.

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