Thursday, December 13, 2007

The most important reason to have a tip jar

This morning a patient tried to tell us we could put a tip jar on the counter. Lisa and I looked at each other and were like, no. That would be so tacky.

After he left, another patient from the waiting room brought up the subject. "But he forgot the most important reason to have a tip jar. I saw it on CNN last night."


"You can use it to beat off robbers. This guy in a 7-11 did that--he said he was afraid of how he'd look on YouTube if he didn't do anything."

You can be heroic for love of family, for patriotism, for conscience's sake, or from fear of YouTube. That works...I guess...

Update: About an hour later, a patient looked at his credit card receipt. "No place to write in the tip," he said.

"Did you hear the conversation earlier??" we demanded. He claimed he hadn't. But he offered to bring us a tip jar.

To which I, with great eloquence, wailed: "Nooooooooooooo!"

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