I almost caught an adult playing today. I really thought I had. She was dressed for an office job, but I met her by a bridge in a woodsy bit of sidewalk across from the pool. She was walking along, arms out, putting one foot in front of the other like on a balance beam.
She looked up, saw me, and stepped onto the sidewalk. "Watch out!" she said. "It's really icy."
Practicality strikes again. Sigh.
I met her again on my way back to work. "So you didn't fall?" she asked, kindly enough. "Oh, no," I answered. "And you?" "Oh, I'm good too," she said.
A minute later I met an elderly man walking. "Watch out," he said. "There's a terrible lot of ice down there." I thanked him for the warning.
I'm sure grownups must play. They just don't do it in public. Much.
I'm afriad this grown-up must not be very dignified, 'cause I'm afraid I _do_ play in public :-)