Saturday, October 31, 2009

Of amusement

The Silent Monks perform the Hallelujah Chorus (not easy, that):

It amused me! Also of interest were two bumper stickers I saw lately:

"The Fan: who invited you?" (The Fan is a nifty old neighborhood in town, full of old houses and narrow one-way streets and no parking.)

"Midwives help people out." (Not that I have midwifey things on the brain, or anything.)

Not a whole lot is going on, otherwise. I got up at an excellent and reasonable hour this morning, did a bit around the kitchen, backed up some files, went upstairs to get dressed... and somehow napped for over an hour. Oh well.

1 comment:

V-Dawg said...

The second bumper sticker didn't hit me for a couple seconds, but when it did, it hit hard. I have not encountered enough good (bad?) puns lately, but that definitely qualifies.