Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy one-month birthday, Meg!

Today is Meg's one-month birthday! To celebrate, Richmond got several inches of snow. Jonathan and I had a big pot of a stew and a Settlers of Catan marathon, with a few photo shoots of the baby in between.

If you look, snow is drifted up on the sill, nearly covering the bottom pane of our kitchen window. That's how much we got today.


  1. You know, I think Virginia is having a snowier year than St. Andrews. Though there was some snow before I left for Christmas, and (I am told) a good deal while I was gone, there has been practically none since then, and all the previous snow has long melted.
    But it looks like this is the second good-sized snowstorm to hit Virginia this winter.
    By the way, I've got one more week of semester break to go, and I'll probably be sending out a general update on my life to some people soon.

  2. Yay Meg! I so want to come meet her. If only we could get rid of this never ending cold-go-round that we have in this house! I promise, we will be there soon. :-)
