Sunday, February 19, 2012

Downton Abbey updates

Downton Abbey. Ay-yi-yi. We watched three more episodes tonight of Season Two.

Personally, I think Mary needs to get out of the engagement with the newspaper man NOW, and tell him to publish the scandal and be darned. It's a problem when the guy threatens his fiancee. Also, he has ugly taste in decor. We thought he was untrustworthy, and now we know. Mary should then go marry Matthew. I can't remember - she did tell him about the Turkish guy, right? But he won't care, not really. Lavinia's a really nice girl, but he tends to be on best behavior for her, and you notice Mary's always the one holding the throw-up bowl. I think they'll be happier with a spouse they can depend on.

Jonathan called that interesting plot development with Bates' wife! We're debating how and why. I don't think Bates or Anna is responsible, and it wasn't her because she had him over a barrel. Maybe her old lover?

I suppose Sybil is about to tell her parents she wants to run away with the Communist Irishman chauffeur and Granny will make unhelpful snarky comments.  If he were a really wonderful guy, it would be worth ditching her family over, but he's not. What, does he intend to put her up in his parents' cottage milking cows while he goes and revolts in Dublin? Sybil's got terrible taste in men.

So does Edith, for that matter. I'm not convinced the missing heir was legit, but he was certainly annoying. Whoever he was. I don't suppose he'll die for real and spare us his presence in any future episodes...

O'Brien is turning out almost human, but then Bates or somebody always snaps at her. I wish someone would be kind. She might come back to the light side. Thomas, well, Thomas is just trouble.

Poor Daisy doesn't have "the sense God gave the common goose" as Jonathan put it. I kind of expected William to live just to make things awkward. I do hope Daisy bucks up and keeps on with her determination not to take the widow pension. Mrs. Padmore's perpetual bad advice was really inexcusable. Why didn't Anna or Mrs. Hughes intervene??

Also, I think Lord Grantham still doesn't know about the deal with the Turkish man. They need to stop hoarding secrets around that house.


  1. OMG My thoughts EXACTLY about Sybil. I don't understand why she likes Branson when her only basis for that like is that he keeps reiterating that she likes hm. I think she feels vaguely sorry for him and that's what she is doing. And I know Lavinia is perfect and good and all and would never let a Turk into her bedroom but she really has no idea what she is getting herself into. Have you finished the second season yet? And watched the Christmas special??

  2. Dad and I just watched this episode last night and we figure Bates will get blamed for his wife's murder, whether he did it or not (though he could have--we don't know how long he's been back and she had whacked him up the side of the head.) Yes, I want Mary and Matthew to get together too, but it would be too easy if she just rejected the newspaper man and took the consequences. We have to wait for more twists of the plot. Rule of fiction: Always kill the good guy (William), though not the best good guy. Always kick the hero when he's down (Bates and Anna). The one bright spot I see is that the war is over and we can get rid of Thomas. I wish! Anyway.
