Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February crafts

Edison bulbs are so pretty, so I brought one home. Unfortunately, it didn't actually go where I thought it would due to not being as bright as you might suppose, and it didn't go anywhere else. Except in its box. And it was sad there.

So I went to Target and got a $6 clip lamp and awaited inspiration.

Pinterest struck, as it so often does. I was able to pull the plastic shade off, paint the inside with tacky glue, and line it with gold glitter. Then I put it all together. The bulb casts a fairly golden light and I really like how the glitter brings it out. I have a gold lamp!

I also made madeleines in my new pan. I used this recipe and I think I'll keep experimenting. They tasted very nice and disappeared... really fast, actually. But they stuck badly to the pan and were more cupcake-like than I had intended. But still good.
I also prettied up two of my wet-wipe holders with scrapbook paper, mouse stickers, and rhinestones. It's an improvement over the original ugly label, but I won't afflict you with pictures.

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