Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Those holey socks

It shouldn't surprise me, but clothes actually wear out sometimes. They really do. Sometimes my toes even poke through the ends of socks. 

For a while I carefully preserved all these odd and holey cast-offs. You can't give holey things away to the thrift store, like you can for the outgrown stuff, so they had their own laundry bin. I mean, Laura Ingalls Wilder would have made quilts and dustrags out of them. I'm sure someone on Pinterest is putting their child through college with sock crafts.

Then I discovered I had a laundry bin of holey socks and hopelessly stained t-shirts. I don't have room for my wedding dress, which is currently at my mother-in-law's house, so really?
The Lord will provide. If I really, really need more decrepit clothes, I am positive He will find me some. In the meantime, I acted in faith, risked the wrath of eco-bloggers, and threw them all away. Hello, nice dumpster.

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