Monday, October 15, 2007

By their fruit you shall know them

Many and many a year ago--maybe in 2002--I was in Virginia and came across a strange tree with little orangey fruits on it.

"What is it?" I asked one of my fellow trail-walkers, probably Ben A. (He's the one I generally asked such things.)

"It's a persimmon tree," quoth he.

"Persimmons! How glorious!" I'd always wondered what manner of thing a persimmon might be. And now I knew.

Then last week, I was again walking along there, and the persimmon tree presented itself to my attention. The little orangey persimmons were peppering the trail. "Look, Jonathan! It's a persimmon tree!"

"Cool!" quoth he.

And I thought no more about it until Saturday. The sister and I were walking along behind the post office--our very own post office, that's been there half of forever--and lo and behold, I found a tree, with persimmons peppering the sidewalk below. "Look, Em!" quoth I. "It's a persimmon tree!"

To think, I had to go clear to Virginia to find what a persimmon tree was, and then found one right here. :-)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I had no idea we had persimmon's here--they're a delicious little fruit.