Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oh, the ignorance

I was one of those children who could spell. I always have been. In fact, I was the sort whom people would ask about complicated words, rather than looking them up in the dictionary.

Well, the DJs this morning on the pop station were quizzing each other on spelling. I tuned in for this abomination. They had some kind of buzzer to indicate mistakes.






About this time I began to wonder if they were going for "cologne."


"Oh, it's with a G!"



(Because "coloney" rhymes with "baloney," you know.)

"You're such a bad speller! I bet you can't even spell 'bananas.'"



"My kindergartener can spell 'bananas'! I'd hate to see your shopping list."

I've got to admit, I feel dumber for having listened to the radio station this morning. They never did get that guy to correctly spell "cologne" or "bananas," either one.

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