Monday, May 25, 2009

It spoke to my soul

Abraham Piper is so right.

We called our pending offspring "them"... once. Then we discovered what we'd said. :-)


V-Dawg said...

Exactly how pending is your offspring? Or is it "are your offspring"?

Pinon Coffee said...

Is. Definitely is. The technology indicates one little heartbeat, scheduled to make an appearance Christmas Day. :-)

Maggery said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! (dude, I'm so happy for you I'm crying...)

Pinon Coffee said...

Aw, Maggery, you're so sweet! You need to come out and meet the offspring next spring; do come.

It will amuse you to know that we're having some serious issues regarding house set-up. A major question: where to store the daggers once the little one is active and crawling! But at least the famous Curby dagger has been superglued and the hilt and blade no longer fall apart. ;-)