Sunday, July 05, 2009

The kitchen is not on fire

After church, Lisa disappeared upstairs to tend to young David and I lay down on the couch. Our excellent husbands repaired to the kitchen and fixed lunch. I believe risotto was implicated. This was the conversation as overheard by me.

"We don't have enough chicken broth." Jonathan
"Add more white wine or vinegar or something." Ben
"I think the water will do." Jonathan
"Yeah, it will." Ben
"It's just the water that will boil off... wow." Jonathan
"It's fine." Ben
::loudly:: "It's fine, dear. Don't worry." Jonathan
"The pan is not ruined." Ben
"The wings are not on fire." Jonathan
"BUT CAN YOU FIX IT?" Me, highly amused.

"By the way, dear, and unrelated to anything that just happened, did you know that olive oil will burn when it hits one of our stove elements?" Jonathan
"As in, actually burn? With flamey things?" Me
"Oh yes, actual flamey things." Jonathan
"I think they actually used to burn olive oil for fuel." Ben
"That's right! In the Temple, and they ran out, but the oil burned for eight days! Granted, that was a miracle." Jonathan


Maggery said...

my, but I MISS you guys :-)

Pinon Coffee said...

We always have a bed for you, whenever you come and visit (hint, hint). :-)