Tuesday, February 21, 2006

As I go through my class binders

In Taiwanese, the word for 'intersection' is "tiger's mouth."

"Mere air, these words, but delicious to hear." Sappho

Ralph Waldo Emerson: poets are the Jedi who use the Force, the priests of the Republic.

Somehow, the stars keep shining whether they are cliched or not.

Practicing for his career as a motivational speaker: “You have value. We just haven’t discovered it yet.” Quinn

Origen: “It’s not so much heretical as trippy.” Austin
“He’d fit right in in Star Trek. I wonder if what’s-his-name got any of that stuff from Origen?” Dr. Bouchoc

What is it about a Republic that has so captured the imaginations of Plato, the Romans, the founders, and even George Lucas?

"I don't care how fuzzy and literary you might be; you should take logic and you should enjoy it." Dr. Hake

Bad doctrine is just annoying.

Wisdom: now out of style. Has tentacles in absolutes and authority and the real world and all kinds of unfashionable and intolerant things.


Marian said...

Ohh.... *all kinds of comparable memories swarm Marian's mind*

Thank you for posting that... :-)

Pinon Coffee said...

I'm sorry octopi disturb you, Firinnteine... I don't guess there's any particular reason why Wisdom needs to be one, and admittedly it's sort of an ugly mental image, but octopi are created too and not necessarily the Form of All Evil (which would raise interesting philosophical questions itself). Perhaps you can explain this to me some time. I don't have time to read the play. :-)

PHC is quite its own place. :-) Is good to see you at my blog, Marianus, -a, -um.