Thursday, March 06, 2008


Esolen posts about law being a creative application of natural law to our circumstances--not merely an expression of our wills. Law is for the common good, which isn't exactly the sum total of our separate goods. I kind of like it.

Touchstone also posts about "evangelical fetus fatigue," arguing that young evangelicals are getting bored with the abortion wars and prefer cooler causes.

I must admit I disgree. I'm more inclined to Barbara Nicolosi's position, that we're not "pro-life" as much as "culture of life." Nicolosi is probably on to something: the current generation does do things differently. We don't generally organize mass political movements: we prefer to infiltrate The System. What good is it to change a law without changing the people who made the law?

There's also the point that our generation gets the fun of rebelling against the sixties and seventies rebels. Ha! One of my favorite quotes--possibly by Lewis or Chesterton-- is about a generation that "discovers orthodoxy with all the zeal of rebellion."

It's a worldview thing, not an issues thing. I can talk about that a long time, but will restrain myself now. Baby murder is murder, but if we can sneak in the back door and make people hate it and improve their thinking on a few other subjects at the same time, why should Groothius make a fuss?

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