Saturday, May 28, 2005

Fire, flood, and plague

Someone set a controlled burn the other day up in the Valle Grande, and news reports said it was thinking of getting out of hand. Those of us who remember May 2000 are a trifle sensitive about "controlled burns," particularly ones set in warm Mays, but this one was almost a week ago, and we haven't seen smoke or flame, so I think it's okay now.

On the opposite end of the disaster spectrum, snow in the mountains was melting so profligately that there were flood warnings out.

However, the last few days have been chilly. This is good for both fire and flood prevention. :-)

And, just to round things out, there have been reports of the plague in Los Alamos, so we bought the cat a flea collar. She doesn't like it, even though it's her very own color of purple. Soror held her down while I fastened it. (What female heart despises gold? What Cat's averse to fish? --"Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes")

So God has been good. We have neither burned, flooded, or died of plague.

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