Monday, May 15, 2006

The boating day in pictures

Here you may see the boat belonging to the Haunt of Macbeth. I'm the lady of Shalott; the boat, likewise, is called "the Lady of Shalott," because the poem says she wrote that round about the prow. The alien, however, is named Walter. He was our snake prow because it was supposed to be sort of Viking-themed and we couldn't find any snakes for the prow. :-)

The lady of shalott was permitted to rise from the lake and felt most literary.

There was a good turnout.
This is the Great Conglom-eration, manned by the most fearsome landscaping pirates. There was an awesome sea battle, won by them, about which I started to write a ballad but haven't finished yet because it's finals week. :-)
And in the evening we docked the boats and Lake Bob resumed its usual quiet demeanor. Till next year...


Campeador said...

Yes and no. They won the sea battle, but partly because we broke it up once everyone realized they had lost three PHC-owned shovels. If we had kept it up things may have been different.... :)

Pinon Coffee said...

I'll put that in the ballad. What else happened that I missed? :-)