Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If it's broke around here we fix it... or not

My crock pot did a slidey thing out of my hands and went crash all over the kitchen floor, complete with its load of soup. Sigh. A big chunk of the stoneware smashed off. Now, this is my crock pot that had a broken lid handle last fall, and Mom helped me put a cute drawer pull on it so I could keep using it. Which I did, pretty much all the time. 

So first I mopped up the floor, and then I looked online to find replacement parts. Turns out a new stoneware is $15 and a new lid is $10. I'm sure they charge shipping as well. The whole crock pot ensemble was only $30 new!

The economics, they do not line up. While this was a wedding present and served me well, it's just not worth it to replace parts when I could equally well get a brand-new one. It's a shame. I guess I'll be watching for a sale on crock pots.

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